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The latest - Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists Report -

September 3, 2020

This page contains

web links to 

action groups,  

downloads and other

information resources 

for researching many related issues relating to water in NSW. 


August 2, 2020 - 3CR-"Earth Matters",

Leave Our Lakes Alone! 

The people of Menindee, Wentworth, Pooncarie, Broken Hill, Wilcannia and all along the Darling/Baaka have had enough

of the MDBA! 

ABC TV Lateline

- Battle For The Bush -

As renegade landholders clear

and spoil the Australian Outback.

Then after Battle For The Bush

came -The Eviction- 

when farmers are forced off of their family land by the bank.

Dr. Erin O'Donnell explains 

"Legal Rights For Rivers"

Will the wars of the future

really be fought

over water?

Water Special Part 1

ABC-RN Future Tense

Water banking, 

rain farming and

other ways to safeguard against future drought.

Water Special Part 2 

ABC-RN Future Tense



"The Murray-Darling Basin Catastrophe" 

November 1 - 2019

This article is an exhaustive overview of the problems related to water trading and the over allocation of water to industry. 

Please share it around.

Link to Australia Institute 

"The Trickle Out Effect" 

Please watch this.

New Website, full of links for researcherschers -

Feb. 7, 2020,

NSW Water Minister permits Floodplain Harvesting -

Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020 - under the Water Management Act 2000

People who live along the Darling River have dubbed this - 


The repercussions of this betrail are yet to be understood. But it is understood that serious actions are pending and major disruptions are anticipated.

Link to - ABC TV - 4Corners - "PUMPED

The show that showed the tip of the iceberg. 

Link to - 4Corners - "CASH SPLASH"

The show that shows a bit more of the tip of the same iceberg.

Link to  - Green Left Weekly - "Rivers In Crisis" page

"Dying Darling" by Tony Smith - Tony Smith
00:00 / 00:00

The 2019 Australian Peoples Tribunal

Citizens Inquiry into

The Health of The Darling River & Menindee Lakes, has just traveled the length of the Darling, gathering submissions and testimony regarding the state of the river and the communities that depend on it. The tribunal held hearings in Buronga/Mildura, Wentworth, Broken Hill, Menindee, Wilcannia, Bourke, Brewarenna and Walgett.  

Click here

to visit their website and find out how you can be part of and contribute testimony and evidence to this historic inquiry. 


Be sure to look on the

MEDIA PAGE for all their media releases.

Important Breaking Content

Link to Youtube of public forum held in Sydney

Feb. 23, 2019.  


This links to a very informative radio podcast made by

The Law School at Sydney University.

Although quite "dry" (sorry) the first seventeen minutes

will tell you much about the Basin Plan and some of the problems there. 


The whole thing runs for one hour and fifteen minutes

and requires serious concentration.

- - - - -

Link to  

"The Trickle Out Effect" 

Please watch this and then consider the need for a Federal Royal Commission

into water-trading and the Murray/Darling

Basin Plan. 


Then please watch 





BREAKING NEWS Feb. 7, 2020  

Nationals NSW Water Minister Pavey lifts water embargo

and legalises floodplain harvesting in Northern Basin 

resulting in extreme anger and bridge closure at 

Wilcannia, Western NSW. 

Download - Letter to Prime Minister and Cabinet. 


Feb. 7, 2020,


NSW Water Minister National Party Member Melinda Pavey permits Floodplain Harvesting -

Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020 - under the Water Management Act 2000


People who live along the Darling River have dubbed this - 


The repercussions of this betrayal are yet to be understood. But it is understood that serious actions are pending and major disruptions are anticipated.

- - - - -

An urgent video message from Badger Bates to the 

link -  Kimberley and Northern Territory

And this also from Rob McBride at

link - Tolarno Station

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